Tag Archives: SuperBowl

Real Time Marketing Recap: The Oscar’s

I’ve been wanting to do a post about the newest buzz in social media. Real Time Marketing. The idea is to create advertising that is in the moment and relevant to whatever culturally.

It started last SuperBowl with Oreo’s famous tweet.

Since then, brands have been trying  to achieve that same level of success that Oreo achieved with this tweet. Every mainstream event has had brands trying to leverage the event to create some type of success.

The latest of these events? The Oscars. Here are some of the tweets sent out during the even trying to capitalize on what was going on. Some of them did pretty well, others crashed and burned. But, SPOILER ALERT, nobody really hit a home run. Except Twitter. Twitter did work, just by being Twitter and being the platform for all of this to happen.

    1. Mercedes
      Mercedes Benz was one of the brands that decided to capitalize on the low hanging fruit. The Oscars statuettes are gold, we have a product that can be gold. Boom. Tweet created. Grade: D

    2. Lipton
      Lipton introduced a new campaign with an ad during the Oscars. They extended their brand through their social media presence, interacting with consumers and talking about the new campaign. Grade: B
    3. Banana Republic
      Banana Republic capitalized on Jared Leto’s Acceptance speech. Focusing on one of his statements and relating it back to their brand. Grade: B-

    4. Pepsi
      Pepsi also introduced a new campaign for their new mini cans. An ad utilizing past Oscar movie lines, they extended that idea into social media. Grade: D+
    5. Pizza
      This isn’t a specific brand. Ellen’s call for pizza was a easy lob for any pizza delivery brand. Unfortunately, none of them caught on quick enough. Even Digiorno’s tried to get in on it. Grade: F
    6. Samsung
      Samsung was a title sponsor of the event and had Ellen using one of their phones taking selfies and ultimately the “Infamous Group Selfie.” Unfortunately, Ellen, a iPhone proponent was still uploading pics backstage with her own iPhone. Grade: B-  Here’s an article I just read from Samsung’s marketing about the placement.
    7. Arby’s
      Arby continued their Grammy’s interaction with Pharrell, buying their hat back. Grade: A

Any other “real time marketing” attempts that stood out for you during the Oscars? Make sure to comment and let me know.

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